Dear Fellow Homeowners:
As the Spring is here and in full swing, it is my pleasure to update you on things going on in the community.
While the board and I continue to diligently work for our community, it is important to note up front that since becoming president, our community has doubled its savings to almost a half a million dollars. This was done while doing a total refurbishment of the clubhouse, the pool and remediating issues throughout the community. In addition, the board voted to give a percentage of that savings back to the Condo Boards (Condo 1 and Condo 2) so that the additional money may be used for necessary projects and repairs to our homes.
On Memorial Day weekend, our pool will be reopening and we cannot wait see you all pool side soaking in the sun and all that Rustic Woods has to offer. As an additional perk to our homeowners, we have added a Little Library just before the entrance to the pool. You may borrow a book or donate a book to our library for all in the community to enjoy.
Our clubhouse may be rented for parties or get togethers with homeowners and their friends and family. Please contact Management for more information.
Lastly, in keeping with the Board’s tradition of giving back, we held two successful food and toy drives.
The toys donated were distributed to needy kids all throughout New York City by Shorefront Toys For Tots and the food donated was distributed to needy Staten Islanders via CHASI’s Food Panty. As always, many thanks to those of you who donated and who always support the Community’s charitable events.
More fun events and activities to come as the Summer comes closer so please keep checking our website for information!
Craig Schatzman
Rustic Woods HOA